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AJPHS The Advances in Computer Science : an International Journal (ACSIJ) is a well-established and notable venue for publishing high quality research papers as recognized by various universities and international professional bodies. ACSIJ is a refereed open access international journal for publishing scientific papers in all areas of computer science research.
The purpose of establishing ACSIJ is to provide assistance in the development of science, fast operative publication and storage of materials and results of scientific researches and representation of the scientific conception of the society. Most importantly, ACSIJ aims at advancing traditional journals by introducing new features/programs to help scientists to expand in their respective research areas.
Publisher Name ACSIJ Press
Publisher Country  
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 6
ISSN No. 2322-5157
Current year Impact Factor 0.35
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2012