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Bulletin of the National Technical University Kharkov Polytechnic Institute

The scientific articles published in the Bulletin of NTU KhPI in the series Informatics and Modeling reflect the results of research of scientists and specialists in the fields of information technology, computer networks and systems, components and devices of computer engineering and control systems, software, application of mathematical modeling in engineering,
medicine and economics, diagnosis of control and reliability of digital devices and systems, neuro-computers and neural networks, pattern recognition and imaging, soft computing in computer science, modeling and control, telecommunication systems and networks, intelligent medical decision-support systems and their components.
Publisher Name National Technical University Kharkov Polytechnic Institute
Publisher Country UA
Publication Language Ukrainian, Rus
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 2
ISSN No. 2079-0031
Current year Impact Factor 0,6041
Journal Content Link
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Journal Website
Year of starting 2001