Discobolul - Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotheray Journal is a journal that provides original research, reviews and debate relating to: Sport Sciences, Physical Education and Kinetotherapy. Major areas of coverage include: sports, physical education, physical fitness, physical therapy, recreation, research area, sport activities, sport psychology, sport sociology, sports medicine, training and teaching methods, biomechanics-kinesiology, health, motor learning, psychology, philosophy, physiology, sport medicine etc. |
Our scope is to contribute to education (teaching and learning), research and knowledge from sport science and physical education area. |
Publisher Name | Discobolul Publishing House |
Publisher Country | India |
Publication Language | English |
Publication type | Online |
Publication frequency per year | quarterly |
ISSN No. | 1454 3907 |
Current year Impact Factor | No impact factor |
Journal Content Link | http://www.unefs.ro/discobolulmagazine.html |
Journal Mail id | discobolul@gmail.com |
Journal Website | http://www.unefs.ro/discobolulmagazine.html |
Year of starting | 2013 |