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Economic Cybernetics

AJPHS The original articles and reviews, materials of problem and discussion kind, summaries about scientific symposiums, conferences and forums on Economic Cybernetics, bibliographic reviews, critic on monographs and articles, information about latest scientific achievement in the field of Economic Cybernetics are published in the Journal.
Subjects of articles: theoretical and methodological problems of economic cybernetics; modeling in micro- and macroeconomic systems; decision-making; models and methods of economic dynamics, stability and equilibrium; methods of the Operation Research and the System Theory; adaptive systems in economics; models of Management and Marketing; educational problems in the field of Economic Cybernetics; econometrics (methods of statistical analysis and forecasting); computer systems and informational technology in economics.

Publisher Name Donetsk National University
Publisher Country UA
Publication Language Ukr, Rus, Eng
Publication type Printed
Publication frequency per year 2(6)
ISSN No. 2077-8031
Current year Impact Factor None
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2000