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Electronics and Communications

AJPHS Scientific and technical journal «Electronics and Communication» is published by College of Electronics of National Technical University of Ukraine \"Kyiv Polytechnic Institute\". It has 6 issues per year and covers following areas:
Solid-state electronics;
Vacuum, plasma and quantum electronics;
Power electronics;
Theory of signals and systems;
Methods and means of processing signals and images;
Electronic systems;
Biomedical devices and systems;
Acoustic devices and systems;
Informational systems and technologies;
Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection;
Systems of computer-aided design.

�«Electronics and Communication�» is included in the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and is authorized to publish papers eligible for PhD students.
Publisher Name National Technical University of Ukraine \"Kyiv Polytechnic Institute\"
Publisher Country RUSH
Publication Language Eng, Ukr, Rus
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 6
ISSN No. 1811-4512
Current year Impact Factor 1
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 1995