Scientific and technical journal «Electronics and Communication» is published by College of Electronics of National Technical University of Ukraine \"Kyiv Polytechnic Institute\". It has 6 issues per year and covers following areas: Solid-state electronics; Vacuum, plasma and quantum electronics; Power electronics; Theory of signals and systems; Methods and means of processing signals and images; Electronic systems; Biomedical devices and systems; Acoustic devices and systems; |
Informational systems and technologies; Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection; Systems of computer-aided design. �«Electronics and Communication�» is included in the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and is authorized to publish papers eligible for PhD students. |
Publisher Name | National Technical University of Ukraine \"Kyiv Polytechnic Institute\" |
Publisher Country | RUSH |
Publication Language | Eng, Ukr, Rus |
Publication type | Online |
Publication frequency per year | 6 |
ISSN No. | 1811-4512 |
Current year Impact Factor | 1 |
Journal Content Link | |
Journal Mail id | |
Journal Website | |
Year of starting | 1995 |