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International Journal of Advance and Applied Research

AJPHS The basic aim of this journal is to provide platform for the researcher, innovators, scholars and students to share their research through worldwide with us. We promote research in all disciplines and the advancement of knowledge and understanding. This journal will provide a quality readable and valuable addition to the knowledge this will serve as resources for researchers along with to provide support to the scholars to enable them to undertake and disseminate their research and to help them for development of their own skills of reasoning and understanding.
It is a peer-reviewed journal aspiring to publish high quality of applied and original research work. The preference will be given to the research papers and articles which contains advance research concepts which will be helpful to the society.
Publisher Name Pravin Talekar
Publisher Country IN
Publication Language English,
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 06
ISSN No. 2347-7075
Current year Impact Factor 0.889
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2013