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International Journal of Advanced Engineering and global Technology

The IJAEGT an international and refereed journal (ISSN 2309-4893) publishes articles monthly with the emphasis on research, development and application within the various fields of engineering, the journal encourages research studies that have significant contributions to make to the continuous development and improvement of Technology.
The journal attempts to bridge the gap between the academic and industrial community, and therefore, welcomes theoretically grounded, methodologically sound research studies that address various Engineering and Technology problems and innovations from a socio-technological perspective. The journal will serve as a forum for practitioners, researchers, managers and policy makers to share their knowledge and experience in the design, development, implementation, management and evaluation of various applications. Articles from other fields are welcome as long as their content is relevant to the journal. Each issue provides a wealth of timely and informative articles and research summaries.
Publisher Name IJAEGT
Publisher Country IA
Publication Language ENGLISH,
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 12
ISSN No. 2309-4893
Current year Impact Factor 1
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2013