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IJECIERD is a scholarly peer reviewed journal with HIGH IMPACT FACTOR (JCC) that publishes original research papers in Electronics and Instrumentation field. Topics covered included: Circuits & Devices, Analog & Digital Integrated Circuits, Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Instrumentation system Design, Computer Simulation. Measurement and instrumentation; circuit design, simulation and CAD; signal and image processing, coding; microwaves, antennas and radio propagation; optoelectronics; TV and sound broadcasting; telecommunication networks; radio and satellite communications; radar, sonar and navigation systems; electromagnetic compatibility, signal and system theory, digital signal processing, network
Theory and circuit design, information theory, communication theory and techniques, modulation, source and channel coding, switching theory and techniques, communication protocols, optical communications, microwave theory and techniques, radar, sonar, antennas, wave propagation and more. Journal publishes research papers in the areas of both public communication systems (Telecommunication, mobile, Internet, and Cable TV) and private systems (Intranets, enterprise networks, LANs, MANs, WANs).
The goal of IJECIERD is to broaden the knowledge of scientists and academicians by promoting free access and provide valuable insight to chemistry-related information, research and ideas.
Publisher Name TJPRC Pvt Ltd.
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type online
Publication frequency per year Bi-Monthly
ISSN No. 2249-7951
Current year Impact Factor 4.7283
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2011