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International Journal of Inventions in Computer Science and Engineering (IJICSE)

International Journal of Inventions in Computer Science and Engineering (IJICSE) is an international, companion surveyed, academic journal, devoted to serve the social order by quality exploration work. The journal points at furnishing a stage and energizes developing researchers and academicians globally to impart their expert and scholarly learning in the fields of computer science, engineering and technology.
It predominantly keeps tabs on the requisition of computer science in these controls. The journal distributes unique examination works with viable centrality and scholarly esteem. IJICSE lean towards papers with down to earth foundation, clear depiction, successful physical and numerical model, clear structure of calculation and successful practical applications.
Publisher Name Bonfay Publication
Publisher Country IN
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year Quarterly
ISSN No. 2348-3539
Current year Impact Factor 0.522
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2014