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International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering

AJPHS International Journal Of Research In Science & Engineering

is peer-reviewed, online international journal published bimonthly. IJRISE is an international forum for scientists and engineers in all aspects of science and engineering publishing high quality papers.Papers of original research and innovatory applications from all parts of the world are welcome.

This journal aims to cover the scientific research in a broader sense and not publishing a niche area of research facilitating researchers from various verticals to publish their papers. It is also aimed to provide a platform for the researchers to publish in a shorter of time, enabling them to continue further. All articles published are freely available to scientific researchers in the Government agencies,educators and the general public. We are taking serious efforts to promote our journal across the globe in various ways, we are sure that our journal will act as a scientific platform for all researchers to publish their works online.
Publisher Name Manish Toprakwar
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 6
ISSN No. 2394-8299
Current year Impact Factor 0.31
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2015