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International Scientific Journal

AJPHS International scientific journal is an ongoing, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scientific publication, with an open access and is officially registered as a mass medium (Certificate of Registration: KV number 20971-10771R). The journal publishes research papers, informing society about the research results. The lournal is included into the International Register of periodic media with the numeric code international identification: ISSN 2410-213X (Print); ISSN 2410-9371 (Online) by the International Center for periodicals (ISSN International Centre, Paris).
International scientific journal is included in the leading scientometric base, distributed by the world\\\\\\\'s leading libraries and universities; conducts editorial policy in accordance with the principles of the European Association of Science Editors (UK).
Publisher Name Financial Rada of Ukraine
Publisher Country UK
Publication Language Ukraine, Einglh
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 6
ISSN No. 2410-213X
Current year Impact Factor 0.465
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2014