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Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research

AJPHS Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research (JALLR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well. The journal is a venue for studies that demonstrate sound research methods and theoretical base with a visible practical application which can be generalized.
The scope of JALLR includes the following fields: teaching English as a second or foreign language, English language teachers� training and education, Language teaching methodologies, Pedagogical techniques, Classroom-centered research, Cross-cultural studies, Translation, Testing and evaluation, Applied linguistics, Language and culture. 
Publisher Name Lulu Press Inc.
Publisher Country IN
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 4 issue
ISSN No. 2376-760X
Current year Impact Factor 1
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2014