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Journal of Exercise Science & Physiotherapy

AJPHS Scope: Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy is the official journal of EFHA. It is aimed at publishing scholarly research in the multidisciplinary fields of exercise, fitness and health. It contains editorial, original research articles, reviews, case reports in the fields of physiotherapy, physical education & Sports Science and nutrition. It is a Peer Reviewed biannual Journal, indexed in infobase, academic keys, SJIF, Global impact factor, JIFACTOR, impactfactorservice, Indmed/MedIND - a portal of Indian Medical Journals & is a member of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

The journal was started in the year 2005 as an annual journal, however it was made biannual from the year 2007.
Journal of Exercise Science & Physiotherapy (JESP) is an open access journal and already indexed with a number of prestigious leading indexing agencies and databases of the word. The journal has been positively evaluated for its impact Factor. Scientific Journal Impact Factor for the year 2013 is 4.652 against 3-217 in 2012. Global Impact Factor is 0.597 for 2013 as compared to 0.435 in 2012.IIFS impact factor for 2013 is 1.998. Index Copernicus value for 2013 is 4.19.

Publisher Name Exercise Fitness & Health Alliance (EFHA), India
Publisher Country IN
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year Biannual
ISSN No. 0973-2020
Current year Impact Factor SJIF = 4.652, GIF= 0.597, IIFS = 1.998, IC Value =
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2005