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Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

AJPHS Title: US-China Foreign Language
Name of Content Provider (Publisher or Content Owner): Publisher
Contact name, email, and country: Kunderi Mahaboob, , United States
Describe your relationship to this publication (editor, director, editorial board member, subscriber, etc.): Editor
Aim and scope of the content:
A monthly professional academic journal, covers all sorts of researches on structure engineering, geotechnical engineering, underground engineering, engineering management, etc. as well as other issues
Languages(s) (in order of most to least prominent): English
Audience (academic, general adult, high school, other): Academics
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Peer-review process:
All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture are usually reviewed by at least one member of the editorial board members and is refereed by at least 2 outside experts in the field.
Year of first publication:2007
Content type (journal, e-journal, monograph, pamphlet, conference proceedings, special collection, internet database, Open-access, other): Journal, e-journal, open access
Publisher Name David Publishing Company
Publisher Country US
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 12
ISSN No. 2332-8215
Current year Impact Factor None
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2013