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Journal of Scientific Research

AJPHS The Journal of Scientific Research (JRS) is an international multidisciplinary electronic journal with the ISSN 2170-1237, published by the University of Bechar. This journal is free of charge and it\\\'s located at the interface of research journals, and the vulgarization journals in the field of scientific research. It publishes quality articles in the domain of basic and applied sciences, technologies and humanities sciences, where the main objective is to coordinate and disseminate scientific and technical information relating to various disciplines.
The research articles and the development must be original and contribute innovative, helping in the development of new and advanced technologies, like the studies that have concrete ideas which are of primary interest in mastering a contemporary scientific concepts. These articles can be written in Arabic, French or English. They will not be published in another journal or under review elsewhere. The target readership is composed especially of engineers and technicians, teachers, researchers, scholars, consultants, companies, university lab, teaching techniques and literary...
Publisher Name University of BECHAR
Publisher Country Algeria
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 2
ISSN No. 2170-1237
Current year Impact Factor GIF = 0.632 (2012)
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2011