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Physical Education, Sport and Health in Modern Society

AJPHS The collection of scientific works �Physical education, sport and health culture in the modern society� � international edition that has been published since 1999 and encloses wide sphere in the domain of mass sport, physical rehabilitation and sports of higher achievements. The publication includes articles that enlighten the history of physical education development in Ukraine and around the world; philosophical, legal and organizational problems of physical culture; peculiarities of physical education of different groups of population; problems of professional training of physical education teachers; pedagogic technologies of physical exercises; means of working capacity renewal; peculiarities of sportsmen training and adaptation of organism to physical activity.
The publication includes articles that enlighten the history of physical education development in Ukraine and around the world; philosophical, legal and organizational problems of physical culture; peculiarities of physical education of different groups of population; problems of professional training of physical education teachers; pedagogic technologies of physical exercises; means of working capacity renewal; peculiarities of sportsmen training and adaptation of organism to physical activity.
Publisher Name Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Publisher Country RU
Publication Language Ukrainian, Russ
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 4
ISSN No. 2220-7481
Current year Impact Factor -
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Year of starting 2008