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Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia

AJPHS The Ibero-American Strategy Journal is the result of a partnership among professionals from a number of research centers and strategy study groups located in Latin American and Iberian universities. The primary motivation that led to the founding of the journal was a perception that there was a lack of adequate scholarly outlets to showcase the increasing volume and sophistication of strategy research coming from the Ibero American region.

The Ibero-American Strategy Journal seeks to merit the confidence of the international scholarly community through the selection and maintainence of a prestigious and qualified editorial board and support staff, broad involvement of the strategic studies community in paper submissions and evaluation, and theoretical rigor. We seek to adopt the best editorial practices as defined by Brazilian Ministry of Education�s QUALIS/CAPES guidelines and its electronic publishing norms as elaborated in the � Serviço de Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas � SEER (Electronic System of Scientific Publishing), which provides the electronic digital for the journal.

Publisher Name Universidade Nove de Julho
Publisher Country  
Publication Language portuguese
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year quartely
ISSN No. 2176-0756
Current year Impact Factor 1
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2002