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Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade (REPeC)

AJPHS The Accounting Education and Research Journal (REPeC) is a scientific journal with quarterly issues, maintained by the Federal Council of Accounting (CFC), by the Brazilian Foundation of Accounting (FBC) and by the Brazilian Academy of Accounting (ABRACICON) with the mission of disseminating knowledge in accounting area. REPeC, in consonance with requirements from the journal’s qualification and evaluation systems defined by the academic community,
it adopts analysis criteria for submitted articles, which seek to highlight methodological and thematic quality, as well as the impacts on built knowledge in accounting.
Publisher Name Academia Brasileira de Ciências Contábeis (ABRACICON)
Publisher Country BR
Publication Language English, Portug
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 4 issues per year
ISSN No. 1981-8610
Current year Impact Factor -
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2007