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The SIJ Transactions on Advances in Space Research & Earth Exploration (ASREE)

AJPHS Space research is a major area where many things are left unknown and there is a huge demand in knowing the secrets in space & earth. In order to promote several researches to explore the secrets behind the space & earth, The SIJ has initiated one journal especially for space research & earth exploration. Space research is a scientific study carried out using scientific equipment in outer space. Space science and space exploration involve the study of outer space itself, which is only part of the broader domain of space research. This journal is committed to publish and disseminate the stupendous research in all areas of space research & earth.
Scope of the journal includes, but are not limited to, the following: Solar-terrestrial, space studies of the Earth\\\'s surface, the Earth-Moon system, astronomy, space weather & space environment, geodesy, planets & small bodies of the solar system, microgravity science, space life science, materials science, space physics & chemistry, space experimental & application related technology, and other areas related to space & earth research.
Publisher Name The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
Publisher Country In
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 12
ISSN No. 2347-6818
Current year Impact Factor 00
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2013