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VSRD International Journal of Technical & Non-Technical Research

The \"VSRD International Journal of Technical & Non-Technical Research\" (VSRDIJTNTR) is an online INTERNATIONAL e-journal in English published monthly for Technical & Non-Technical Education. The aim of VSRDIJTNTR is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles fastly without delay in the developing field of Technical & Non-Technical Education. This journal is an online journal having full access to the research and review paper. The journal aims to cover the latest outstanding developments in the field of Technical & Non-Technical Education.

VSRDIJTNTR would take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation. 

VSRDIJTNTR hopes that Researchers, Research scholars, Academician, Industrialists, Consultancy etc. would make use of this journal publication for the development of science and technology and all fields related with our journal.
Publisher Name Visual Soft India Pvt. Ltd.
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 12 issues
ISSN No. 0976-7967
Current year Impact Factor No impact factor
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2011