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AJPHS International Journal of Civil Engineering Applications Research - IJCEARIJCEAR publishes theoretical papers, practice-oriented papers including case studies related to Civil Engineering, state-of-the-art reviews. Authors who are working in the area of Civil Engineering are welcome and encouraged to send articles for publication, which will support for the
advancement of science and technology in civil engineering. International Journal of Civil Engineering applications Research is a quarterly peer reviewed journal. The journal publishes original research and review papers falling within the broad field of Civil Engineering which includes, but are not limited to, the following domains General Civil Engineering Structural/ Infrastructural Engineering Environmental Engineering and its other disciplines Highway and Transportation Engineering including shipping, docks, harbor engineering Railway/ Harbour Engineering Surveying and other verticals. Hydraulics and Water power engineering Geomatics, Geosciences, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information systems Application of IT in Civil Engineering Emerging areas of Civil Engineering. Any other areas of importance to Civil Engineering
Publisher Name PBPC
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 12 issue per year
ISSN No. 2249 – 653X 
Current year Impact Factor  
Journal Content Link
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Journal Website
Year of starting Wed, 12/01/2010