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AJPHS Indian Journal of Drugs and DiseasesIndian Journal of Drugs and Diseases (IJDAD) is the official journal of the "Indian Society for Education and Environment" (iSee). Lifestyle activities in society have undergone number of physical and psychological changes that may result in genetic changes manifested in future generations.
The relationship between drugs and diseases is inevitably important for society. Results of research must be accessible, thereby creating awareness on the availability of drugs against diseases affecting society. IJDAD is expected to assume a vital role in communication, information and education regarding development and establishment of drug therapies for diseases affecting society. Objectives:IJDAD will provide information regarding various approaches of using drugs to control diseases; highlighting epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, Pharmacology and the emerging trends on established drug therapies
Publisher Name Indian Society for Education and Environment
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 12 issues
ISSN No. 2278–294x (Print); 2278- 2958 (Online) 
Current year Impact Factor  
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Year of starting Sun, 04/01/2012