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International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science

  International Journal of Engineering Research and general science (ISSN 2091-2730) is an open access peer review publication which is established for publishing the latest trends in engineering. We give priority to quality papers which emphasis on basic and important concept through which there would be remarkable contribution to the research arena and also publish the genuine research work in the field of science, engineering and technologies.This publication welcomes all the original research papers, conceptual articles, reviewed papers from tremendous fields of science and technology and moreover papers are selected and are reviewed by our export editorial team as per the paper forwarded by assistant editorial in chief.
Our strong team member will come back to you with all the feedback within a week. The papers so accepted are to undergo certain criteria of P&R publication and finally it will be in online with in a week.
Any research which are carried on for the prompt impact to the society and which also contribute for environmental conservation are given special priority.
This journal is commenced with the aim of assisting the researchers to provide the best platform to expose their innovation and thoughts. we appreciate the new vision and innovative thoughts that helps in research and findings.We also aims to commence own research platform through which tremendous innovation will be carried on very soon.
Publisher Name P&R Publisher
Publisher Country NP
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 2 Issue
ISSN No. 2091-2730
Current year Impact Factor  
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2013