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International Journal of Human Resources Management (IJHRM)

AJPHS International Journal of Human Resources Management (IJHRM) is an applied, peer-reviewed journal which aims to communicate the development and practice of the field of human resources. The journal publishes the results of research, theoretical and conceptual developments, and examples of current practice. IJHRMR is the forum for HRM scholars and professionals world-wide. Concerned with the expanding role of strategic human resource management in a fast-changing global environment, the Journal focuses on future trends in HRM, drawing on empirical research in the areas of strategic management, organizational, personnel management and industrial relations.
The International Journal of Human Resource Management Research and Development encourages strategically focused articles on a wide range of issues including employee participation, human resource flow, reward systems and high commitment work systems. The Journal aims to address major issues arising from: internationalization of market integration, increased competition, technological change, new concepts of line management, changing corporate climates etc.

Publisher Name IASET
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 6 issue per year
ISSN No. 2319-4936
Current year Impact Factor 1.5627
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2011