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Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences

The aim of Journal of informatics and Mathematical Sciences is to provide the recent research work, pertaining to the below mentioned specialties to the researchers.
The Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences (JIMS) is an international journal devoted to the publication of original research papers from all branches of Computer Science, Electronic Sciences, Numerical Analysis, Analysis, Geometry and Topology, Functional equations, Information Theory, Coding Theory, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Bayesian Statistics, Operation Research including Reliability Theory and Queueing Theory, Cryptography, Algebra, Mathematical Physics, Applications of Mathematics to various branches of Engineering, Mathematical linguistics, Mathematical Economics

The journal will also publish survey articles giving details of research progress made during the last three decades in a particular area. The journal is published in one volume per year of three issues.
Publisher Name RGN Publications
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 3 Issue per year
ISSN No. 0975-5748
Current year Impact Factor N/A
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2009