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Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy

AJPHS Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy (JSRP) is a Science profession which has provided and provides lots of novelties to this planet - technologies, inventions, discoveries, medicines, intellectual properties��. and so on, the list is enormous. If we try to list them in this page, it will be never ending. If our scientists didn�t explore their knowledge in terms of discernible properties, we could have not reached this modern era in other words we could have not surpassed the Stone Age.
So exploration of your work to the world not only makes you famous but also creates a spark in the flourishing scientists, nourishes the researchers and furnishes the science of art. JSRP provides you the platform, with a warning board of �Restricted Area: Science and Pharmacy Profession only�, to explore your research work.
Publisher Name Madhukar Akkala
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 4
ISSN No. 2277-9469
Current year Impact Factor 1.0441
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2012