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AJPHS Trade and Market of Ukraine"Trade and market of Ukraine" was founded by the Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky. Pages of our bulletin are open to all authors who are seriously engaged in scientific work.
Our collection is designed to inform the scientific community about the results of innovative development of the faculty, candidates for a doctor’s degree, graduate students and students of DonNUET named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky, scientists of other higher educational establishments. Our scientific publication is focused on representatives of financial and industrial groups, researchers of different scientific schools, candidates for a doctor’s degree, graduate students and undergraduates from universities and research institutions. We want our collection to be a source of information for the next generation of ideas by participants of the innovation process. We hope for your understanding and support. We will be glad if you can find the answers to your questions on the site, can gather useful information. Always waiting with interest your letters and feedback on our materials and the website!
Publisher Name Lubov Donets
Publisher Country Ukraine
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 2
ISSN No. 2079-4762 
Current year Impact Factor  
Journal Content Link
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Journal Website
Year of starting Mon, 09/10/2012