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International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering

We are pleased to inform you that we are publishing an open access, scholarly, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, fully refereed and scientific online journal International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE) for scientists, engineers, research scholars, students and academicians involved in all aspects of computer science, engineering, information technology and It is the vision of IJSCE to publish original research papers, refereed papers and articles in all areas of human study without financial restriction.

The journal covers all areas of Computer Science, Engineering (Software, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics & Electrical) Electrical Communication & Information Technology and more . We publish original Research Papers, Review Papers, Survey Papers, Case Study, Technical Notes and Short Communication. The journal reviews papers within one-two weeks of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.
Please contribute your research paper for Journal at your earliest and oblige.

Publisher Name IJCSE
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 12 issues
ISSN No. 2347-2693
Current year Impact Factor No impact factor
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2013