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International Journal of Retail Management and Research (IJRMR)

The International Journal of Retail Management and Research (IJRMR) ia an international, open access, peer reviewed journal that focuses on issues of strategic significance in retailing and distribution worldwide and provides a forum for researchers in academia, business, consultancy and management. All academic articles are refereed anonymously.
The competitive retail sector is under pressure to provide efficient services to hold its share of the market. As consumers demand higher levels of service and supply, they are simutaneously wooed by other alternatives like mail order and out of-town-shopping.
TheInternational Journal of Retail Management Research and Development (IJRMR) provides a link between production and consumer, and by understanding their relationship it allows retail personnel to study operations practice in other organizations, and to compare methodologies.
Publisher Name TJPRC Pvt Ltd.
Publisher Country India
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year Half-Yearly
ISSN No. 2319-4502
Current year Impact Factor 1.6825
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2011