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International scientific journal is an ongoing, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scientific publication, with an open access and is officially registered as a mass medium (Certificate of Registration: KV number 20971-10771R). The journal publishes research papers, informing society about the research results. The lournal is included into the International Register of periodic media with the numeric code international identification: ISSN 2410-213X (Print); ISSN 2410-9371 (Online) by the International Center for periodicals (ISSN International Centre, Paris). |
International scientific journal is included in the leading scientometric base, distributed by the world\\\\\\\'s leading libraries and universities; conducts editorial policy in accordance with the principles of the European Association of Science Editors (UK). |
Publisher Name | Financial Rada of Ukraine |
Publisher Country | UK |
Publication Language | Ukraine, Einglh |
Publication type | Online |
Publication frequency per year | 6 |
ISSN No. | 2410-213X |
Current year Impact Factor | 0.465 |
Journal Content Link | http://www.inter-nauka.com |
Journal Mail id | uanauka@gmail.com |
Journal Website | http://www.inter-nauka.com |
Year of starting | 2014 |