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Journal of Renal Injury Prevention

AJPHS The Journal of Renal Injury Prevention (JRIP) is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the promotion of early diagnosis and prevention of renal diseases. It publishes in March, June, September and December of each year. It has pursued this aim through publishing editorials, original research articles, reviews, mini-reviews, commentaries, letters to the editor, hypothesis, case reports, epidemiology and prevention, news and views and renal pathology teaching point. In this journal, particular emphasis is given to research, both experimental and clinical, aimed at protection/prevention of renal failure and modalities in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.
A further aim of this journal is to emphasize and strengthen the link between renal pathologists/ Nephropathologists and Nephrologists. In addition, JRIP welcomes basic biomedical as well as pharmaceutical scientific research applied to clinical nephrology. Futuristic conceptual hypothesis that integrate various fields of acute kidney injury and renal tubular cell protection are encouraged to be submitted.

Contact address in JRIP
Journal office: No 8, 23 Lane, Farabi North Street, Freiburg Avenue. Isfahan, Iran.
Postal Code: 81687-95341
Post Box: 81655-963
Tel: +98311 669 2609
Fax: +98311 669 2517

Professor Hamid Nasri, M.D
Division of Nephropathology ,Department of Nephrology
Nour Medical, Educational & Theraputic Hospital
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Isfahan, Iran

Phone: +98 311 669 2609
Fax: +98 311 669 2517
Publisher Name Nikan Research Institute
Publisher Country IA
Publication Language English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 4/year
ISSN No. 2345-2781
Current year Impact Factor 00
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2012