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OmniScience : A Multi-disciplinary Journal

AJPHS OmniScience: A Multi-disciplinary Journal (OSMJ) Omniscience attempts to bring-out primarily, rich research and review papers embodying the concepts that fall under the scope of the definition of omniscience i.e. ‘being universal in nature’ ‘knowing everything’ ‘unlimited knowledge’. The Journal seeks to encompass the well sought- after domains of ‘Science and Spirituality

The Journal\'s scope covers :
Language & Communication Art, Music and Dance, Human beliefs and Spiritual values
The audience or clientele for this journal comprises of not only scientists or research scholars, but also those who believe in a bond/relationship between ‘Science’, ‘Art’ , Spirituality’, ‘humanities’, and all those areas related with the scope of the journal
Publisher Name STM Journals
Publisher Country IN
Publication Language English,
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year Triannual
ISSN No. 2231-0398
Current year Impact Factor N/A
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2010