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Persian Gulf Crop Protection (PGCP) is international electronic (e-ISSN 2251-9343) journal supported by Plant Protection Department,Dezful Branch,Islamic Azad University,Dezful,Iran. This journal currently accepting manuscripts for publication in English (Arabic and Persian papers with English abstract will publish in the end of each issue). Persian Gulf Crop Protection is a peer-reviewed,open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of Crop production/protection and safety that include: |
Primary topic Entomology (Physiology,Morphology,Systematic,Ecology) Acarology Bacteriology Mycology Nematology Virology Weed Science Agricultural genomics and Molecular biology Stored-products research Pesticide science Toxicology Biofertilizers and Biopesticides Forestry and horticulture pest and disease Invertebrate and vertebrate pests Climate changes and damages to agriculture Secondary topic Apiculture and Sericulture Crop Biotechnology and bioinformatic Tree fruit production Post harvest biology and technology Seed science research Agricultural engineering Agronomy Agroforestry Crop science Medical plant culture and management Nuclear energy and agricultur New approach in agriculture |
Publisher Name | Plant Protection Department,Dezful Branch,Islamic Azad University,Dezful,Iran. |
Publisher Country | IA |
Publication Language | English |
Publication type | Online |
Publication frequency per year | 4 |
ISSN No. | 2251-9343 |
Current year Impact Factor | GIF 2012: 0.302 |
Journal Content Link | pgcp.editor@yahoo.com |
Journal Mail id | pgcp.editor@yahoo.com |
Journal Website | http://cropprotection.ir/en/ |
Year of starting | 2012 |