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Review of Business Research

AJPHS The aim of RBR is to present advanced research articles within the business domain. To be competitive, every company needs to do a complete analysis in order to identify all factors influencing their business and to adopt the best strategy for the future. Based on their research, authors will try to provide innovative business solutions for companies to follow.

The journal focuses on the following topics: International Politics and Business,
Accounting Information Systems, Accounting Theory and Practice, Auditing, Cost Accounting, Corporate Finance, Econometrics, Economic Development, Financial Institutions and Markets, Fiscal Policy, Industrial Organization, Research in Economics and Business, Sources and Strategies for Companies.
Publisher Name International Academy of Business and Economics
Publisher Country US
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year 3
ISSN No. 1546-2609
Current year Impact Factor -
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 2008