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Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier

AJPHS THE MILITARY TECHNICAL COURIER / VOJNOTEHNI�KI GLASNIK (ISSN 0042-8469, e-ISSN 2217-4753, UDC 623+355/359) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia. It publishes scientific and professional papers as well as technical data about contemporary weapon systems and modern military technologies. Offering a logistic system support, the Courier is a part of a unique technical support to the Army services in the field of fundamental, applied and development research.
It also deals with production and use of weapons and military equipment as well as with theoretical and practical achievements leading to professional development of the personnel of the Ministry of Defence and the Army of the Republic of Serbia.
Publisher Name Ministry of defence of the Republic of Serbia: University of defence in Belgrade
Publisher Country SR
Publication Language Serbian/English
Publication type Online
Publication frequency per year 4
ISSN No. 0042-8469
Current year Impact Factor 0.063
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id
Journal Website
Year of starting 1953