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IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) discourages theoretical articles that are limited to axiomatics or that discuss minor variations of familiar models. Similarly, IOSR-JEF has little interest in empirical papers that do not explain the model's theoretical foundations or that exhausts themselves in applying a new or established technique (such as cointegration) to another data set without providing very good reasons why this research is important. |
Articles are subject to a double-blind refereeing process after they pass an initial screening by the editors. Authors of theoretical papers need to be willing to supply the details of their derivations to reviewers. | |
Publisher Name | IOSRJEF |
Publisher Country | India |
Publication Language | English |
Publication type | Both |
Publication frequency per year | 6 Issue per year |
ISSN No. | 2321-5933 |
Current year Impact Factor | |
Journal Content Link | http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jef.html |
Journal Mail id | iosrjef@gmail.com |
Journal Website | http://www.iosrjournals.org |
Year of starting | Fri, 06/09/2011 |