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AJPHS Journal of Plant Biology ResearchThe JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY RESEARCH is a new, Open Access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal that considers scientific papers in all different subdisciplines of plant biology, such as plant physiology, plant molecular biology, plant cell biology, plant genetics, plant systematic, plant ecology, plant physiology, plant-microbe interactions, mycology and plant pathology.
wild animals and experimental models in lab animals. The Journal of Animal Research will publish the reviews, short communication and proceedings of symposia of National and International relevance subject to the final decision of Editor in Chief.
Publisher Name Dobra knjiga
Publisher Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publication Language English
Publication type Both
Publication frequency per year Quaternary
ISSN No. 2233-0275   
Current year Impact Factor  
Journal Content Link
Journal Mail id 
Journal Website
Year of starting Mon, 01/02/2012